
Day Services: Community Living Support (CLS) and Community Access (CA) provide assistance and support for people to have productive and safe lives in community settings. These services include necessary supports for people to become more independent in activities of daily living including healthcare and money management. CLS and CA helps people to live meaningful lives and thrive in their own home or with their family.

Supportive Employment: Supportive Employment (SE) provides support for people to choose, obtain and maintain paid employment in the community. Employment can be either individualized or contracted jobs with local businesses and industries. (SE) develops a level of self-sufficiency as well as a valued role in the community. Finding gainful employment, where a person can make a valued contribution to their community, remains a major priority for The Jessamine Place.

Residential Alternative: Community Residential Alternative (CRA) provides 24/7, 365 days a year supports needed for people to live in the community verses an institution. All residential placements are Host Homes, Life-Sharing environments, which create a more nurturing atmosphere for individuals. The homes provide each individual with his/her own space that is reflective of their personal preferences. Currently, The Jessamine Place contracts with 21 Host Homes Providers supporting 25 people.

Administrative Services: The Jessamine Place administration department supports the agency in a wide range of responsibilities that include human resources, accounting, quality assurance, and health services. Additional supports include transportation, public relations, and
organizational safety.